Brandon O'Donnell
Brandon is 24 Years old and currently lives in Mahwah, NJ. In May 2016, Brandon obtained a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering with highest honors from Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He currently works as a Junior Project Engineer at Stryker in Mahwah, NJ and as an online fitness coach/consultant.
Brandon has ran 4 half-marathons, including the Rutgers Unite Half-Marathon 3 times. His best time came in Spring 2015 of 1:35:44 (7:18 min/mile) followed by 1:37:27 in Spring 2016 (7:25 min/mile), 1:39:39 in Spring 2014 (7:36 min/mile) and 1:45:00 in Fall 2013 (8 min/mile).
Since his last race in Spring 2016, Brandon has been doing bodybuilding training and hopes to step on stage in Summer 2019.
Otherwise, Brandon is a big Yankees, Giants, and Rockets fan. He also listens to a wide variety of heavy metal, rap, and alternative music.